Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer

Last Updated: 30th September 2024

About Us

North East Schools of Traditional Taekwon-Do (“we”, “us,” “our,” “NEST”, ”NEST-TKD”, “NEST Taekwon-Do”, and “National Educational Schools of Traditional Taekwon-Do”) is a martial arts school offering teaching in Traditional Taekwon-Do (“Services”), operated by Mr Christopher Black and headquartered in Redcar, Redcar and Cleveland, United Kingdom.

Key Terms

In this privacy policy, these terms have the following meanings:

Assistant Instructor,” “Instructor,” “Master”, and “Grandmaster” is a person who is qualified and approved to deliver our Services to Students.

Consumer”, “Member”, and “Student” is a person who uses, or is registered to use, the Services we provide. This includes persons who actively use, or have previously used, our Services.

Contract” means the legally binding agreement between you and us for the supply of Services.

Dojang”, “Training Facilities”, “Venue” is any place that is used for teaching Taekwon-Do, where an instructor is present and students are in attendance.

EEA” is the European Economic Area, of which the United Kingdom is a member of.

Helper”, and “Volunteer” is a person who has been designated and approved to assist in the delivery of our Services.

Personal Information” means any information which could identify, or be used to identify, a Student. Examples of Personal Information include, but are not limited to, first and last name, address, date of birth, or email address.

Registration” and “Sign Up” refer to the means by which we collect information to facilitate delivery of our Services to a Student, potential Student, or depending on context, a parent or carer of a Student.

Services”, “Membership”, and “Goods” is the Service we provide to you. This includes provision of training, goods, or additional aspects as outlined in this document.

Visitor” means any person who visits any of our website(s) or application(s), or who opts-in to online services such as our communication platform.

Website” and “Application” means any website(s) or web application(s) that we own and operate (such as www.nest-tkd.com) or any web pages, interactive features, widgets, blogs, social networks, or other online features that link to this privacy policy.

You” and “Your” means either a Student, Visitor, or depending on context, a Parent.

Automated Payment System” means the payment system we currently use to process fees and transactions, currently we use GoCardless for this.

Privacy Policy

Data Controller

Our appointed data controllers are Mr. Christopher Black and Mr. Rick Bairstow, who are jointly responsible for storing and processing data in a fair, lawful, secure, and transparent manner.


At NEST Taekwon-Do, we place a high value on data privacy. This Privacy Policy serves to outline our Terms and Conditions and explain who we are, how we collect and use Personal Information, and how you can exercise your privacy rights. We adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and UK laws. If you have any questions or concerns about our policy, terms, or data handling, please contact us using the contact form on our website www.nest-tkd.com or by emailing instructor@nest-tkd.com.

This section pertains to the Personal Information we may collect and process from students as part of our Services. For the purposes of this section, “You” and “Your” refer to students, potential students, and parents or carers of students.

Information We Collect

The Personal Information we may collect falls into the following categories:

  1. Information you provide to us: When using our Services, you may be required to provide Personal Information, either about yourself or your child, depending on the context. This Personal Information is collected during the registration process using either a physical or digital form. The information we collect may include your first name, surname, address, phone number, email address, and date of birth. For parents or carers, we may also collect their first name, surname, address, phone number, and email address. Additionally, we may collect information related to any disabilities, medical conditions, or additional support needs, as well as emergency contact details.
  2. Lawful basis for data collection: we require this Personal Information to administer and manage your membership to the Services we provide. Our lawful basis for processing this information is that we have a contractual obligation to provide the Services you are registering for, and to safeguard all Students who use our Services.
  3. Use of Personal Information: we may use the Personal Information we collect through our Services for a range of reasons, which include:
    1. To bill and collect money owed to us by You, for Services, licence renewals, or outstanding fees.
    2. To send important information to you.
    3. To communicate with you about the use of our Services.
    4. To enforce compliance with applicable laws, and to protect the rights and safeguarding of our Students and third parties, as well as our Instructor and Helper’s safety.
    5. To meet legal requirements and requests, including complying with court orders, public authorities, and appropriate legal authorities.
    6. To provide Personal Information to our instructors to facilitate the delivery of Services.
    7. Other purposes. To carry out other legitimate purposes, as well as lawful purposes, about which we will notify you.
  4. Cookies and Tracking Technologies: we and our partners may use various technologies to collect and store information when you use our Website(s) or Services. This may include using cookies and similar tracking technologies on our Website(s) and third parties, such as Google Analytics, Google Services, Jetpack, WordPress.com, GoCardless, our website’s Contact Forms. These may track certain behaviour for statistical usage, such as logging your visit, the pages you view, the browser and/or operating system you use, your referring URL, your country, and other similar details. Additionally, when using our Website(s) contact forms, the provided information will be sent via email directly to an Instructor. We may use this information to measure the performance of our marketing campaigns, and to provide analytics information to enhance the effectiveness of our Website(s) and Services.
  5. Data Protection Rights: You have the following data protection rights for your Personal Information.
    1. To access, update, or request deletion of Personal Information. We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the data we collect is reliable for its intended use, and is accurate, complete, and up to date. As a Student, or depending on context a Parent, you can manage your information by contacting us directly in writing or via email.
    2. Individuals who are residents of the EEA can object to the processing of, ask to restrict the processing of, or request portability of their Personal Information. You can exercise these rights by contacting us directly in writing or via email.
    3. If Personal Information is collected or processed with consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawal can be done at any time by contacting us directly in writing or via email.
    4. The right to complain to a data protection authority about the collection and use of Personal Information. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority. The United Kingdom’s data authority is the Information Commissioner’s Office (https://ico.org.uk).

Your Information

How We Share Information

We may share and disclose your Personal Information to the following third parties for the purposes described in this privacy policy. Sharing information to third parties requires that you opt-in, not opting into this sharing may affect our ability to provide Service to you.

  1. United Kingdom Taekwon-Do Association (UKTA): The governing body with which our Services and Instructors are registered. When you use or renew our Services, we are required to share your Personal Information with the UKTA. This ensures that the student has relevant licensing and personal insurance, which is required to practise Taekwon-Do martial arts in the United Kingdom. The UKTA may use your Personal Information for licensing, personal insurance, event participation, seminars, training courses, and gradings. Additionally, the UKTA may share your information with the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) for purposes related to licensing, international events, and certifications. Sharing your information with the UKTA requires that you opt-in when signing up for our Services. Since licensing and personal insurance is a legal requirement, opting out of this sharing will affect our ability to offer you Services. The UKTA’s data policies are available at www.ukta.com.
  2. GoCardless is used as an Automated Payment System for our Services, opting into this means that we will share your name and email address with the service. We share this information to register your intent to setup an external account with this third-party payment system. GoCardless terms of service are available at https://gocardless.com/legal.
  3. Photography and Video is available for opt-in during the Registration process. When providing our Services, we may take photographs or videos of Students, these will be used to advertise or promote our Services. We may publish this information on our Website(s), and social platforms such as YouTube and Facebook, their respective policies are available at https://policies.google.com/privacy and https://www.facebook.com/privacy.
  4. Advertising partners: may be used to create printed and digital promotional, advertising, and news campaigns, for our Services. This may include the sharing of photographs, videos, and your name to third party printing, advertising, and news outlets. When using your Personal Information, or photographic / video material of you, we will always approach you for additional consent.
  5. Law enforcement, regulatory body, government agency, or court we may release your Personal Information where necessary if we believe (a) as a matter of applicable law or regulation, (b) to exercise or defend our legal rights, or (c) to protect your vital interests or those of another person.
  6. British Taekwon-Do Council (BTC) is a national governing body for Taekwon-Do in the United Kingdom and exists to ensure the safe and lawful delivery of Taekwon-Do through our Services. This body ensures that adequate ethics, health and safety, risk assessments, safeguarding, insurance, and enhanced disclosure and barring service (DBS) checks exist. If a safeguarding issue, or health and safety violation occurs, we have lawful precedence to approach the BTC for legal advice. This may include sharing your Personal Information with the BTC, in accordance with their safeguarding policies available at www.tkdcouncil.com/safeguarding. In some situations, this may result in your information being shared with relevant law enforcement or safeguarding organisations (such as the NSPCC or Police). 

Your Choices and Opt-Outs

Persons who have opted into any of our services may opt-out at any time, requests can be made in writing or by email using the contact details provided. Please note that opting out may affect our ability to provide you with our Services.

When opting out of our Services fully, or cancelling Services, a notice period is required as detailed in our Terms and Conditions.

Data Security

We take appropriate and reasonable measures to protect your Personal Information from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

  1. All physical information: are converted to digital format, physical documents are destroyed through appropriate shredding.
  2. Physical licences and grading cards: licences and grading cards are generated when registering your Personal Information with the UKTA. Licences are to be held by the student, and should be present at gradings, events, and competitions, to be used as identification and progression logging. Grading cards will be held by your Instructor or the UKTA and will be presented at a Student’s grading. Grading cards will be kept in a secure location, within a locked container, and will only be transported for grading purposes. Transport of these documents will be performed by the data controller and approved persons; these will be kept in a lockable container during transport.
  3. Digital Information: will never be transferred, misused, or shared, with unauthorised persons. Only our appointed data controller, and approved persons have access to this information.
  4. Data Security: is always a priority and maintained, all Personal Information is secured using either AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 256-bit key length, SHA1, or CBC (cipher block chaining). These encryptions are the strongest industry-standard protection currently available and were selected by the National Security Agency (NSA) for use as a standard for the US Government. Information is only accessible by approved persons, using secure encrypted passwords.

Retention of Data

We retain Personal Information where we have ongoing Services or a legal need to do so. Students are required to renew their licensing information on an annual basis. If at renewal, the Student is not actively using our Services or has not used our Services for a period of 12 months, the Student’s Personal Information will be destroyed in accordance with data protection regulations. At this point, the Student’s grading card will be returned to the UKTA organisation for disposal, and the student will no longer have ongoing Services with us.

Terms and Conditions


These Terms and Conditions apply to your purchase of Services from us. They constitute the terms on which we sell all Services to you. By agreeing to any of our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

General Terms

  1. All Services are subject to availability.
  2. We reserve the right to make changes to Services at any time when necessary to comply with any applicable law or safety requirement. Notification of these changes will be provided.
  3. You are required to cooperate with us in all matters related to our Services, provide the necessary information to facilitate Services, and obtain any required licences and consents.
  4. Please note that the description of the Services and any Goods on our website or in other forms of advertisement does not constitute a contractual offer to sell Services or Goods.
  5. These Terms and Conditions are intended to apply to a Contract entered into by you as a Consumer where both parties, the Supplier (us) and you the Customer, enter the Contract via digital or written consent, typically through a Sign Up process.
  6. Any offers provided are subject to availability, and we retain the right to remove promotions for any reason.
  7. Family discounts are offered for up to 4 family members. Beyond this, additional discounts may not be available.

Fees and Payments

  1. The fees for our Services, the price of any Goods, or other relevant Services are not fixed and may change over time. In the event of such changes, you will be given notice, during which you may choose to terminate your Services with us.
  2. Periodically, we may increase service costs, typically in line with inflation and the rising costs associated with our venues.
  3. Please note that our Automated Payment System is a required opt-in when entering a contract for our Services. We do not offer alternate payment options for our Services or Membership and reserve the right to refuse the provision of Services where this opt-in is refused.
  4. Where mutually agreed upon, we may request additional transactions to be processed through our Automated Payment System. These could include payments for Goods (equipment, travel), additional Services (gradings, seminars, competition entry fees), or other fees. Such agreements will always be made with a student before being requested by our Automated Payment System. Alternative payment options may be considered for these payments, but this is at the discretion of our Instructors.
  5. UKTA Licenses must be renewed annually, and the associated fee will be applied to your Service fees on an annual basis, processed through our Automated Payment System. We will provide a minimum of 14-days’ notice before this renewal fee is processed. If arrangements are made with an Instructor, alternative payment options may be considered for this fee, provided that the notice is given and mutually agreed upon by you and your Instructor.

Membership Terms

  1. To commence training and attend NEST classes, please ensure that the signup form is completed in full, and any applicable signup fee is paid.
  2. A signup fee will be required during the account setup process with our Automated Payment System. This step is clearly identified within our signup procedure and must be completed before attending any classes.
  3. It’s important to understand that the signup fee is non-refundable and cannot be transferred, refunded, or altered. If you choose to cancel during your free period, this fee will be retained. If you decide to continue your membership after the free period, the fee will be utilised to provide you with a UKTA Licence.
  4. Unless otherwise stated in the signup process, your free training period begins as soon as both the signup form and setup fee are received.
  5. The free training period grants you access to NEST classes for up to one calendar month or a maximum of 30 days. Once this period concludes, you will be automatically added to our memberships, and recurring monthly fees will be requested.
  6. The free training period always begins from the 1st of the month. For example, if you sign up on the 20th of September, your free period will commence on the 1st of October.
  7. Please be aware that the free training period is not transferable, extendable, or modifiable. If, for any reason, you do not attend classes during your free period and it expires, you will need to pay membership fees to continue.
  8. If you decide not to continue your membership during the free period, we kindly request at least 14 days’ notice. This notice requirement specifically applies to the free period. For notice periods and information after your membership has commenced, please refer to the Cancellation section.
  9. It’s essential to complete the signup process, including the signup form and fee, for each individual signing up. Our Automated Payment System requires setup only once. If you are signing up multiple individuals, please contact us directly, and we will assist in requesting the correct setup fees.
  10. The free training period always starts at the beginning of a month, commencing from the first session following the 1st day of the month. For example, if you complete your setup on the 10th of September, your free period will initiate on the 1st of October.
  11. If you wish to start your free period earlier, it will be considered as beginning from the month you choose to start. For instance, if you begin on the 10th of September, your free period will be considered as starting on the 1st of September. However, this arrangement should be made with your instructor.

Signup / Setup

  1. To commence training and attend NEST classes, the signup form must be completed in full, and any applicable signup fee must be paid.
  2. A signup fee will be required during the account setup process with our Automated Payment System. This step will be identified within our signup procedure and must be completed before attending any classes.
  3. Please note that the signup fee is non-refundable and cannot be transferred, refunded, or altered. If you decide to cancel during your free period, this fee will be retained. If you choose to continue your membership after the free period, the fee will be used to provide you with a UKTA Licence.
  4. Unless otherwise stated in the signup process, your free training period begins once both the signup form and setup fee are received.
  5. The free training period allows access to NEST classes for up to one calendar month or a maximum of 30 days. Once this period expires, you will be added to our memberships, and recurring monthly fees will be requested automatically. The free training period begins from the 1st of the month. For instance, if you sign up on the 20th of September, your free period begins on the 1st of October.
  6. The free training period cannot be transferred, extended, or modified. If, for any reason, you do not attend and your free period expires, you will not be able to extend or add to this period, and membership fees will be required to continue.
  7. If you choose not to continue your membership during the free period, you must provide us with at least 14 days’ notice. Please note that this notice requirement is limited to the free period. For notice periods and information after the membership has commenced, refer to the Cancellation section.
  8. The signup process must be completed for each person signing up, including the signup form and fee. Our Automated Payment System requires setup only once. If you are signing up multiple individuals, please contact us directly, and we will request the correct setup fees.
  9. We initiate the free training period at the start of a month, from the first session following the 1st day of the month. For instance, if you complete your setup on the 10th of September, your free period will start from the 1st of October.
  10. If you decide to commence your free period earlier, it will be considered as starting from the month you begin. For example, if you start on the 10th of September, your free period will be considered as starting on the 1st of September. However, this arrangement must be made with your instructor.


  1. Once Services have been established, we retain the right to reject, refuse, or discontinue Services for any reason. However, we will make an effort to promptly communicate the reasons behind our decision.
  2. You have the option to terminate your contract with us at any time for any reason. However, a minimum of 30-days’ notice is required. If Service fees are due during this notice period, they will remain payable. The notice of termination must be provided in writing.
  3. Upon the conclusion of your contract with us, following the 30-day notice period, we will cancel your Services, and our Automated Payment System will cease billing you.
  4. Following the service cancellation notice, you may continue using our services during the notice period. However, once the contract is terminated, the Services will cease.

Complaints & Disputes

  1. We encourage all students and parents to submit disputes or complaints in writing or via email. You can find our contact information on our website or use the details provided below.
  2. All disputes and complaints should be directed to our official communication channels. Please refrain from using social media platforms like Facebook Messenger for such matters.
  3. Kindly address your disputes or complaints to our designated Instructors. They are responsible for handling these matters and will ensure a prompt response.
  4. Please note that the United Kingdom Taekwon-Do Association and the British Taekwon-Do Council are not the appropriate entities to address disputes or complaints related to our services. These organisations primarily serve as our safeguarding bodies and are not directly involved in our club’s day-to-day operations or services.
  5. We take all complaints seriously and are committed to resolving them as swiftly as possible to ensure the satisfaction of our students and parents.


  1. Our instructors perform regular risk assessments to ensure that the Dojang remains a safe environment for all students.
  2. We accept no liability for injuries sustained while performing Taekwon-Do or other activities within classes. Our instructors will provide adequate instruction and safety information, and students are responsible for executing tasks as instructed in a safe manner.
  3. Our instructors are not responsible for students while attending the Dojang. They are teachers, not caregivers. The care and responsibility of students and children lie with the student and/or Parent/Guardian.
  4. We are not responsible for children who are dropped off at the Dojang. While we provide a safe environment, the duty remains the sole responsibility of the Parent/Guardian.
  5. Students are responsible for ensuring they have the correct and well-maintained protective equipment when attending the Dojang, including items such as the Dobok (uniform) and sparring safety equipment.
  6. If a younger student arrives at the Dojang alone, we will assume they have been given permissions to do so from their Parent/Guardian, and they may leave without waiting for a Parent/Guardian to collect them.
  7. Children under the age of 13 must be collected by a Parent or Guardian. If someone else is designated to collect the child, please notify your instructor.
  8. We recommend that a Parent/Guardian of a child under the age of 13 stay with their child at the Dojang. In case of issues or emergencies, your presence at the Dojang is necessary.
  9. All equipment, including our official uniform (Dobok), should be purchased through your instructor to maintain uniformity. External purchases of our uniform are not permitted.

Progression & Gradings

  1. There is a minimum amount of training time between gradings, but it is ultimately the instructor’s decision to determine if a student is ready. Students will not be put forward for their next grading if their capabilities are deemed insufficient. This is particularly crucial for higher grades, where grading difficulty is higher.
  2. To be eligible for grading, students must attend at least 70% of classes in the lead-up to their gradings. The specific timeframe for meeting this attendance requirement is at your individual instructor’s discretion. Failure to attend 70% of classes during this period will disqualify a student from grading.
  3. All students must demonstrate proficiency in both the practical and theoretical aspects of their previous grade when requested. Inability to perform these requirements will render a student ineligible for grading. Understanding and executing the criteria for their current grade, as well as those of previous grades, are essential components of our grading process.
  4. It is solely at the instructor’s discretion to invite students to grade; neither the student nor the parent/guardian has the authority to demand a grading. Instructors will extend invitations to grade only when they believe the student is adequately prepared. While students are welcome to inquire about their readiness and seek advice on improvement from their instructor, they should not expect to be graded if they are not ready.

Changes to Policies

We may change our Privacy Policy or Terms & Conditions at any time, the current version of this policy is reflected by the date located at the top of the document. All updates are effective immediately. We will notify you of any significant changes to these policies.

Contact Information

Mr Christopher Black, V Degree Chief Instructor, instructor@nest-tkd.com.

Mr Rick Bairstow, I Degree Assistant Instructor, rbaristow@nest-tld.com.

For any website related queries please email webmaster@nest-tkd.com.