Uniform (Dobok)
A Dobok is the traditional uniform worn by practitioners of Taekwon-Do. The word “Do” means “way” and “Bok” means “clothing.” Our Dobok consists of a top, bottoms, and a belt to denote the grade of the wearer.
To ensure uniformity, all students are required to wear the same Dobok. Our Doboks are sourced from our association (UKTA) and have specific insignia for both the UKTA and ITF. Please do not purchase Doboks from external sources as you may not find the correct Dobok.
It is important to keep your Dobok clean at all times. We recommend washing it after each session to maintain a high level of hygiene and to prolong its life. Please ensure that your Dobok fits you correctly. If you outgrow your Dobok or it becomes excessively worn, please purchase a new one.
Doboks can be altered as needed. We recommend rolling the sleeves inwards if they are too long and stitching or webbing them. Trouser legs can also be adjusted, and the waist of the Dobok may be rolled up first. Please note that we order Doboks slightly larger for children, as they tend to grow out of them quickly, so any alterations can be undone as the student grows.

Sparring Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), is a requirement for all students, especially those who wish to participate in sparring and competitions. We take the safety of our students very seriously and will not permit anyone to spar without the appropriate PPE.
We often suggest purchasing sparring equipment once the student has trained for a couple of months and before they achieve their 8th Kup (Yellow belt) grading. Once a student achieves their 8th Kup, their subsequent grading criteria will include sparring, and they will also become eligible to participate in national competitions.
A complete sparring kit includes the following:
- Gloves (10oz close-fist gloves)
- Foot pads
- Head protector
- Shin protectors
- Groin guard
- Chest guard (for ladies)
- Gum shield
All equipment should match in colour and be either red or blue, in compliance with the UKTA’s rules on competition equipment. We require all equipment to meet our standards and specifications for safety purposes.
All purchases of sparring equipment should be made through your instructor. We recommend against purchasing any equipment without consulting your instructor first. The cost of sparring equipment varies, and we try to order as many at once as possible to ensure discounts and reduced shipping costs.
Other Equipment
We recommend wearing appropriate footwear to and from the venue. Students should wear trainers or similar, but please ensure that they are clean and not worn during the session. Students are also welcome to wear Taekwondo shoes, which are specifically designed for training and sparring.
Please note that any jewellery, watches or piercings should be removed before training, as they pose a risk to both the student and their training partners. Long hair should be tied back to prevent it from obstructing the student’s vision or becoming a hazard to themselves or others.
While not essential, we do recommend the following be part of a student’s kit:
Kit Bag: A kit bag is highly recommended, it should be large enough to hold all of your safety equipment and other training gear.
Skipping Rope: A skipping rope is essential for some warmups, however we will always provide alternate exercises for those without.
Medicines and First Aid: Any essential medicines for medical conditions should be brought to every session, i.e. inhalers. Plasters and other first aid supplies can also come in handy for small injuries during training, as well as sprays.
Branded NEST Kit
We have a range of NEST Taekwon-Do branded kit available for purchase, including t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, and tracksuits. These items are not required for training, but they can be a great way to show your support for the club and to feel part of the team.
Please note that these items are ordered in bulk and are not always readily available for purchase. We usually do a clothing order every 6-12 months, so keep an eye out for announcements on our website or social media pages.
All NEST Taekwon-Do branded kits are made to a high quality and are designed to withstand the rigours of training. Show your support for the club and look great while doing it with our range of NEST Taekwon-Do branded kit!

Student Handbook
The Student Handbook is an essential companion to training and is available for purchase from your instructor. These books should be used as a learning aid for students to accompany their instructor’s teaching. We recommend that all students have the Color Belt Handbook before their first grading as it contains essential information for students to revise for their gradings.
The Black Belt Handbook is aimed at 1st to 4th Dan grades and contains more advanced techniques and concepts. This book should only be purchased by black belts.

Training App
As an accompaniment to our instructor’s teaching and the student handbook, we have produced a Taekwon-Do Learning app to help students develop their Taekwon-Do knowledge and learning. This app is available for free download on the Google Play store. For alternate platforms, please contact us.
The Taekwon-Do Learning app contains video demonstrations of patterns and all the essential knowledge needed for each grading. However, we recommend that students use this app along with the Student Handbook for their revision. It’s an excellent learning aid for students to supplement their regular classes and help reinforce their training outside of the dojang.